This is the continuation of a previous article: “WHAT IS SEX ?” - HOW TO HAVE A BETTER SEX & ORGASM ? - PART 1.

In any case sex is what we want and what we desire. But do we really understand it ? If I ask a simple question about it like: what is it and why do you do it ? You would most probably answer: because it feels good, because it is “natural”, because you cannot live without it so why should you resist it etc. But all of this is very superficial. You just follow your instincts, which in reality are “programs” engraved deeply in your subconscious and unconscious mind and you just do it believing that this is natural instinct. And I bet that most of you have never ask themselves more detailed questions related to this topic ? For example:
What is sex ? Why do we have sex ? Why it is that we as human beings think of sex all the time ? Where does orgasm come from ? What is happening with the energy from the orgasm ? Why only rarely both of you get the orgasm at the same time ? Why do we masturbate ? What drives us that we must masturbate ? Why we cannot stop masturbation ? What are the consequences of masturbation ? What is relationship ? Why do we have butterflies in the stomach when we fall in love ? Why do we cheat in the relationship ? Why do we break up ? And many more…

I am not asking you to stop having sex because in reality there is nothing wrong with it. But the problem is that we do it because we have been taught and programed to do it. We are just automated robots doing exactly what the program says. We call it natural instinct but in reality - for most of us - this is just another robotic program. I know that you want to object it and push away from you what I am saying here. And this is just another automated self-defense mechanism. Anyway… You decide for yourself if you want to continue participating in the illusion that has been created in our world around the topic of sex. I just want to say that there could be much more to sex then what we are being taught in a traditional way. But you will never know it unless you stop participating in the illusions. When you know what is real then you will know what illusion is. But this never works the opposite way. You will never know what is real as long as you live in a fantasy because you believe that this fantasy is the only reality.

If you would like to find out what sex really is then I would recommend that you start researching, investigating and educating yourself about it. And you will not learn much about it by watching porn on internet because this is also fake. The porn stars are just actors who are being paid money ( a lot of it $$$$$ ) to do what the screenplay says. But again this is not real.

Thus I recommend that you start with Desteni. They are offering an excellent course ( “ Agreements – redefining relationships“ ), which will help you to understand thoroughly the origins and the nature of sex in all the aspects of it. And once you have the understanding of it you will have a chance to explore it from a different starting point. You will have a possibility to experience sex not as an illusion or fantasy but as something real. And I cannot write anything more about it because the only way to know it, is to experience it for yourself.

Apart from the course, Desteni is also providing educational material in the form of audio interviews and e-documents which you may get here ( eqafe.com ).

Enjoy !

P.S. This is for all of those who desire to have sex with the perfectly looking and beautiful models from the magazines. You make fantasies in your mind about it and you imagine yourself having sex with this person. Most probably this will never happen but yet you desire it and at least you can masturbate while imagining it in your mind. But do you really think that in real life they fuck as good and as perfect as they look in the magazine ? When you fuck you cannot make it better with photoshop anymore !!!

Greg Wiater - Desteni I Process
EQAFE - Self perfection books, audio & music

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Sex ,sex, sex … This word has over 600 millions monthly searches on internet done from our PC and laptops. But this is not all. We may not forget that we live in an era of advanced technology and more and more people use mobile phones and other mobile devices to connect to the internet. And these people have made more than 400 mln searches. Thus altogether we have over 1 billion !!! searches for sex on internet per month.

Interesting… Isn't it ? Thus no surprise when people say that “sex sells”. If you want to make a profitable business then invest into sex industry and people will find you and you will money of it.

Now we should ask some questions. What is the reason that people are looking for it ?

The obvious answer is: “because we desire to have sex”.

But we may ask again another question: why people are looking for it ? Don't we have wives, husband's, boyfriends, girlfriends, lovers etc. with whom we do that stuff ? Maybe we do but - obviously for some reason - whatever we have is not enough or it is not what we really want. But are we going to have ever enough of it ? Maybe this is just another addiction ? Because the behavioral patterns of the people in regards to sex are in many cases matching exactly the patterns of addiction. Have you ever thought about it ? Most probably you didn't.

Also we have to consider another element. We have never enough of it and we always search for more of it because we have created some sort of fantasies in our minds in regards to sex and perfect relationships. But as I said this is fantasy which can never be fulfilled. This fantasy has been created in our minds right from the early years of our childhood. It has been initiated by our parents telling their children beautiful stories of “happily ever after”, reading them books about it before they go to sleep and letting them watch all these beautiful cartoons about it without explaining what is real. And later in life this is being continued by television, internet and the whole media industry in general.

Look at all these beautiful pictures of perfectly formed models on the posters, in the magazines, on television etc. They have perfect bodies, no fat, no wrinkles, white teeth etc. But this is not even real ! Most of it has been edited in Photoshop. It is fantasy. It will never be fulfilled because this doesn't exist in this reality. But yet you have been tricked to believe in it. You have been brainwashed and allowed yourself to desire it. You have become this desire and you are constantly searching and trying to find the ways to fulfill it at all cost. You are blinded by it and you don't realize that this is not possible to achieve.

The “marketing” which started right from the early years of your childhood has been effective and we can see it clearly - more then 1 billion searches for sex on internet every month is the reflection of it. The relationships that we have are almost never good enough because we always search for the fulfillment of our fantasy.

To be continued...


Greg Wiater - Desteni I Process
EQAFE - Self perfection books, audio & music


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The myth or the legend of the civilization of Atlantis is one of the oldest and most spellbinding of all the world's mysteries. It has puzzled both skeptics and believers alike. Where exactly was Atlantis and where is it now? What caused its destruction? Exactly how advanced were the Atlanteans?

There are a lot of theories about it. There are a lot of unanswered questions. Will we ever be able to find the answers to it ?

Well… Almost all of us would say that this is rather impossible. The only possibility would be if we make archeological discoveries that would definitely prove that the Atlantis was real. But here is the problem. Because many scientists and archeologists have tried to do it for many years already and even with the use of best technology they are not able to find anything definite.

The reason for this could be that Atlantis existed long time ago at all has been destroyed through erosion processes. Historians give theory that Atlantis existed some 200,000 – 10,000 B.C. And I guess you agree with me that if our civilization stopped to exist today, then after 200.000 years everything would turn into dust - all of our buildings, cars etc. Thus this could be the reason why we cannot find any prove of existence of Atlantis. And what about if Atlantis existed some millions years ago ?

We should also not discard a possibility that scientists and historians have already found a prove of existence of Atlantis but they are not sharing it with us. And knowing how our governments operate this should not be a surprise to you and you should also consider this option. We should also not dismiss the theory that Atlantis could have existed on another planet or maybe even in another dimension. Or maybe we are just looking in the wrong places ? All of it is unclear, seems to be a fairy tale. But at the same time people talk about it, investigate it, expect to find the answers and sometimes dedicate their whole life trying to find a definite prove of it.

But that’s enough with talking about different theories. Let's go to the point. Around 2005 happened something unprecedented in the history of humankind and we could say it was almost a miracle. It has opened interdimesional portal. That means that beings from other dimensions could come into this reality, speak directly through the portal and share their experiences and their knowledge. And I know that if you hear it for the first time then you think that this is unreal, unbelievable and that I am crazy.

But I am not asking you to believe me blindly. I only want to share with your this information so that you may also know about it. And if you want you may further listen to all of the information that has been shared through the portal and there is a lot of it. Later you may do all the study, cross referencing and connecting the dots for yourself. You may also find detailed information about Atlantis. And this information is coming from the source because the real Atlantean being as speaking directly through the portal and explaining the history of Atlantis.

You have never expected something that this to happen. Have you ? And because you have never expected something like this, your first reaction when you hear about it ,is: “this is not possible”, “this is not real”, “this is a fairy tale”, “you ( referring to me here ) are crazy”, “this person who is the inter-dimensional portal is on drugs ( acid )” etc.

But you know what ? I don’t care what you think and say about me or about the portal. I have been studying this topic for more than 15 years, I have cross-referenced the information, I have connected the dots, I have used common sense and logic. And to me on this makes sense. I listen to the information, I don’t reject it but I don't become fanatical about it either. It is valuable information which helped me to connect the missing dots. And I leave it up to you to make a decision whether you will listen to it and connect the missing dots for yourself.

But if you want to know more about Atlantis directly from the source, from the real Atlantean being, then look here: ATLANTIS - the untold story.

If you are also interested about aliens, UFO and the Reptilian race then you may listen to 32 video interviews with the God of Reptilian race. This is very fascinating but at the same time I have to warn you that this information may be shocking to you when you hear it.



Greg Wiater - Desteni I Process
EQAFE - Self perfection books, audio & music

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Now listen to this… It is very funny.

My friend has a dog. This dog is very friendly and you will hardly ever hear him barking at anybody. My friend takes care of him, gives him food, takes him to the vet when necessary etc. But at the same time he treats him as equal being and gives him complete freedom to do whatever he wants. That means that the dog can come home whenever he wants to, sleep, eat etc. And he may go outside whenever he wants to.
It is also important to know that my friend doesn't live in the countryside but in a small town with “civilized” people. And these civilized people are accustomed to treat the dogs in the traditional ( civilized ) way, which means that they take the dog outside for a walk 2 to 3 times a day on a leash. It looks like they don't understand at all that their dogs need some freedom too. And instead of stopping for a moment and learn something from my friend, some of the neighbors have gone into the automatic judgment mode, they got angry about it and they have decided to call the police.

Now here is the funny part.

The policeman comes to my friend’s house and is asking some standard questions about the dog. ( P = policeman, F = friend )

P - It has been reported that your dog is walking on the street unattended and without the leash.
F – Well… possibly.
P - Do you know that this is not allowed ?
F – Well… this is not my business.
P – What do you mean ?
F - There is a dog living in my house but this is not my dog… He just lives here…

The policeman started to become a little bit agitated and angry with this response and he started to write a ticket.

F - Are you writing the ticket for the dog or for me ?
P - For you.
F - This is not my dog. I just let him live here.

The policeman becomes more and more angry.

F – Look, look there… There are cats on the other side of the road on the fence walking without the owner. Why don't you go and write them the ticket as well ?

The policeman got completely stunned with this answer. He was angry but he didn't know what to say anymore. He just wrote the details of my friend and he left completely pissed off mumbling something quietly.

Well… let's see how the whole story will end. I will keep you informed on the development of it.

Will the city council and the police penalize my friend ( or rather the dog ) ? My friend is not going to pay for the dog because he doesn't feel responsible for the dog. He treats the dog as equal to him and just lets him stay in his house.
Are they going take the dog to court ?
Will the dog go to prison if he doesn’t pay the penalty ?

In any case we should learn something from my friend. We should stop for a moment and think about the animals that we have at home ( our pets ). Would you like to be treated the same way as you treat the pet ? If you were in the “shoes” of your animal, would you like to be always kept on the leash and never have the freedom to go outside ? Or would you like to be kept in a small cage for your whole life and never have a chance to fly freely in the sky and seat on the branches of the trees ?

Treat the animals with respect. Treat them as you would like to be treated by them. Treat them as equal to you. Give them freedom. If they like you, they will stay with you for their whole life. But let them decide for themselves. Otherwise this is nothing else but slavery.

Greg Wiater - Desteni I Process
EQAFE - Self perfection books, audio & music

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